Hagamos un cambio
Aquà hay algunas formas en las que puede donar:
Por correo
EnvÃe cheques pagaderos a Serene Harbour
a PO Box 100039
Palm Bay, Florida 32910
En lÃnea
Sobre el telefono
También es fácil donar sin conexión.
Tel: 321-726-8282 o 321-537-2544
Venmo @SereneHarbor1992
Scroll down for our Wish List
Haz una donación
Esta es la descripción de tu campaña. Es el mejor lugar para contarles a tus visitantes de qué se trata esta campaña, conectarte con tus donantes y explicar la importancia de la causa que representas.
Una vez
Comentario (opcional)
Pantry Items
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Dishwasher pods
Trash Bags
Dish Soap
Hand Soap
Laundry Detergent
Soap/Body Wash
Gas Cards
Gift Cards (Uber, Publix, Wal-Mart, Target)
Cleaning Supplies (Lysol, Bleach, Fabuloso)
If you would like to donate the items on our Wish List via Amazon, please visit https://a.co/4Sx7MXo a preset delivery address has been added for your convenience.
Please send delivery information to:
For donations to our center from our Wish List, please contact us at 321.537.2544 for more information about delivering the items.
Our mailing address for non-Amazon deliveries is:
P.O. Box 100039
Palm Bay, Florida, 32910
Shop & Support
New Giving Program: Capital One Shopping
Save even more on everyday items you purchase online by using Capital One Shopping! This is a free tool that compares prices among various retailers to ensure you are getting the best deal possible
while supporting Serene Harbor, Inc.
at the same time!